Songs from J to N

Jehovah Tsidkenu (Title)  224
Jerusalem the golden  285
Jesus Bids Us Shine (Altd) (Title)  311
Jesus Christ is risen today  286
Jesus gave her water  287
Jesus has a table spread  289
Jesus has loved me, wonderful Saviour  288
Jesus I will trust You  290
Jesus is a wonderful Saviour (Chorus)  292
Jesus is all the world to me  291
Jesus Is Calling (Title)  298
Jesus Is Coming Again (Title)  358
Jesus is coming! sing the glad song!  293
Jesus is King and I will extol Him  294
Jesus is Lord  295
Jesus is our Shepherd  296
Jesus is standing in Pilate's hall  297
Jesus is tenderly calling you home  298
Jesus keep me near the cross  299
Jesus Lord, we know You're present  300
Jesus Lord, Your love for me  301
Jesus lover of my soul  303
Jesus Loves Even Me (Title)  188
Jesus loves me this I know  302
Jesus loves the little children  304
Jesus Master, whose I am  305
Jesus my Lord will love me for ever  306
Jesus my Saviour to Bethlehem came  307
Jesus our Lord, with what joy  308
Jesus paid it all (Refrain)  210
Jesus Prince and Saviour  309
Jesus Saves! (Title)  629
Jesus Saviour, pilot me  310
Jesus says to shine  311
Jesus stand among us  312
Jesus the Lord our righteousness  313
Jesus the name high over all  314
Jesus the Saviour is "mighty to save" (Refrain)  436
Jesus the sinner's Friend  315
Jesus the very thought of Thee  316
Jesus true joy of loving hearts  317
Jesus we remember Thee  318
Jesus will lead me night and day (Refrain)  667
Jesus You alone are worthy  319
Jesus Your blood and righteousness  320
Jesus Your dying love for me  321
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, sweetest name (Refrain)  591
John saw the heaven and earth made new  322
Join all the glorious names  323
Joy of the Justified (Title)  413
Joy to the world  324
Joyful, joyful will the meeting be (Refrain)  78
Joyful, joyful, we adore Thee  325
Just as I am, without one plea  326
Just over in the Glory Land (Refrain)  279
Keep me, keep me, Saviour keep me (Refrain)  301
King of my life, I crown Thee now  327
Lamb of God, our souls adore You  328
Lamb of God, You now are seated  329
Lead me gently home,  Father  330
Lead Me to Calvary (Title)  327
Leaning on the everlasting arms (Refrain)  642
Lest I forget Gethsemane (Refrain)  327
Let earth and Heaven agree  331
Let it come, O Lord we pray You (Refrain)  128
Let the lower lights be burning (Refrain)  49
Let Us Give God the Glory (Title)  157
Let us love and sing and wonder  332
Let us see our risen Saviour (Refrain)  101
Let's talk about Jesus  333
Life at best is very brief  334
Life for a Look (Title)  573
Life, life eternal life (Refrain)  618
Lift high the cross  335
Light that grows not pale (Refrain)  343
Like a river glorious  336
Like the stars of the morning (Refrain)  57
Like the woman at the well  337
Listen now, carefully, Jesus words are true (Refrain)  437
Little is much when God is in it! (Refrain)  261
Living for Jesus a life that is true  339
Living He loved me, dying He saved me (Refrain)  452
Living in the light (Refrain)  248
Lo! He Comes With Clouds Descending (Title)  493
Long time ago in Bethlehem  340
Look my comrades, see the signals  338

Look you saints, the sight is glorious  341
Look!  Look!  Look and live! (Refrain)  573
Lord I hear of showers of blessing  342
Lord it is eventide  343
Lord Jesus Christ we seek Thy face  344
Lord Jesus Christ, our Saviour  345
Lord Jesus how could it be true  346
Lord Jesus I long to be perfectly whole  347
Lord lift me up and let me stand (Refrain)  247
Lord of Life triumphant (Refrain)  309
Lord speak to me, that I may speak  348
Lord You were rich beyond all splendour  349
Love divine, all loves excelling  350
Love divine, so great and wondrous  351
Love found a way (Chorus)  352
Love found a way (Refrain)  686
Love lifted me (Refrain)  236
Loved with everlasting love  353
Low in the grave He lay  355
Make me a captive, Lord  354
Make me a channel of blessing today (Refrain)  270
Man of Sorrows, what a name  356
Marriage Supper of the Lamb (Title)  265
Marvellous grace of our loving Lord  357
Marvellous message we bring  358
Mary's Boy Child (Title)  340
Mary's Child (Title)  45
May God's blessing surround (Chorus)  359
May Jesus Christ Be Praised (Title)  657
May the mind of Christ my Saviour  360
Meekness and majesty  361
Meeting in the Saviour's Name  362
Mercy there was great and grace was free (Refrain)  696
Mighty To Save (Title)  436
Mine! Mine! Mine! I know Thou art mine (Refrain)  84
Moment by moment I'm kept in His love (Refrain)  91
More about Jesus would I know  363
More love to Thee, O Christ  364
More, more about Jesus (Refrain)  363
More, so much more (Refrain)  52
My faith has found a resting place  365
My faith looks up to Thee  366
My Father is omnipotent  367
My Father is rich  368
My friend hear the Master (Refrain)  674
My God, how wonderful You are  369
My hope is built on nothing less  370
My hope is in the Lord  371
My Jesus I love Thee  372
My Jesus, may Your will  373
My Lord has garments so wondrous fine  374
My Lord knows the way (Chorus)  375
My Lord loves me  376
My Redeemer Liveth (Title)  219
My Redeemer! O what beauties  377
My Saviour loves me  378
My Shepherd, who for sin atoned  379
My Sins Have Gone (Title)  701
My song is love unknown  380
My song shall be of Jesus  381
My stubborn will at last has yielded  382
Name of all majesty  383
Naught Have I Gotten But What I Received (Title)  389
Nearer my God to Thee  384
Never grow old (Refrain)  206
Never Thirst Again (Title)  569
No blood, no altar now  385
No future but glory  386
No Gospel like this feast  387
No One Ever Cared for Me Like Jesus (Title)  241
No Other Plea (Title)  365
Noel, Noel (Refrain)  536
Not all the blood of beasts  388
Not half has ever been told (Refrain)  209
Nothing But the Blood of Jesus (Title)  645
Nothing could save me, but what  389
Now I Belong To Jesus (Title)  306
Now only Christ can satisfy (Refrain)  395
Now thank we all our God  390
Now the day is over  392
Now unto Him who is able to (Chorus)  391
Now we see the Man of Sorrows (Refrain)  451