Songs from W to Y
Was it for me, for me alone 622
Wash me O Lamb of God 623
Wayfaring Stranger (Title) 245
We are one in the bond of love 624
We bless our Saviour's name 625
We come as guests invited 626
We come O Christ to You 627
We have an anchor that keeps the soul (Refrain) 679
We have heard the joyful sound 629
We love to sing of Christ our King (Refrain) 576
We may settle a while here as strangers 628
We praise You O God, our Redeemer 630
We praise You our God, for the Son 631
We praise You, we bless You 632
We rest on Thee 633
We see the sin-atoning Lamb 634
We Shall Behold Him (Title) 557
We shall know Him (Refrain) 431
We shall rise (Refrain) 447
We shall see His lovely face 635
We shall shine as the stars of the morning (Refrain) 628
We sing the praise of Christ who died 636
We the kings of Orient are 637
We worship You, all glorious Lord (Refrain) 44
We'll All Be There! (Title) 661
We'll be there, we'll be there (Refrain) 661
Well may we sing, with triumph sing 638
We'll sing of the Shepherd who died 639
We're feeding on the living bread (Refrain) 569
We're marching to Zion (Refrain) 68
Were you there when they crucified my Lord? 640
We've a story to tell to the nations 641
What A Day That Will Be (Title) 574
What a fellowship, what a joy divine 642
What a Friend we have in Jesus 644
What a gathering! What a gathering! (Refrain) 443
What a wonderful change in my life 643
What a wonderful Saviour is Jesus (Refrain) 56
What can wash away my sin? 645
What Child is this 646
What kind of love is this 647
What was it, O our God? 648
What will you do with Jesus? (Refrain) 297
When a sinner comes 649
When all my labours and trials are o'er 650
When He Cometh (Christ Is Coming) (Title) 57
When He shall come 651
When I behold my Saviour 652
When I consider His greatness 653
When I get home (Refrain) 226
When I saw the cleansing fountain 655
When I survey the wondrous cross 654
When Jesus comes the tempter's power is (Refrain) 453
When Jesus comes to reward His servants 656
When morning gilds the skies 657
When mothers of Salem 658
When my life's work is ended 660
When peace like a river 659
When the last trumpet sounds 661
When the roll is called up yonder (Refrain) 662
When the Saints Go Marching In (i) (Title) 186
When the Saints Go Marching In (ii) (Title) 439
When the trumpet of the Lord 662
When this passing world is done 663
When tossed on Galilee's rough waves 664
When upon life's journey 665
When we all get to Heaven (Refrain) 501
When We See Christ (Title) 277
When we walk with the Lord 666
Where He may lead me I will go 667
Where will you spend eternity? 668
While golden moments swiftly glide 669
While Shepherds Stood There Watching (Title) 124
While shepherds watched their flocks 670
Whiter than snow (Refrain) 347
Whiter than the snow (Refrain) 43
Who at my door is standing 671
Who can cheer the heart like Jesus 672
Who is a pardoning God like Thee? (Refrain) 140
Who is He, in yonder stall 673
Whoever believes in the crucified One 674
Why did they nail Him to Calvary's tree? 675
Why should I feel discouraged 677
Why Was He There? (Title) 652
Why? (Title) 675
Wide, wide as the ocean (Chorus) 676
Will the Circle be Unbroken? (Title) 564
Will There Be Any Stars In My Crown? (Title) 192
Will you be ready when Jesus comes? 678
Will you be ready when the Bridegroom…? (Refrain) 545
Will your anchor hold in the storms 679
With Christ we died to sin 680
With harps and with incense 681
With Jesus in our midst 682
Without a cloud between 683
Without blood there's no remission 684
Wonderful grace of Jesus 685
Wonderful Love (Come let us sing of a) (Title) 71
Wonderful love that rescued me 686
Wonderful name He bears (Chorus) 687
Wonderful the matchless grace of Jesus (Refrain) 685
Wonderful Words of Life (Title) 502
Wonderful, merciful Saviour 689
Wonderful, wonderful Jesus (Chorus) 688
Wonderful, wonderful Jesus, in my heart (Refrain) 575
Wonderful, wonderful, Jesus is to (Chorus) 690
Wondrous love of Jesus 692
Worthy, O Lamb of God art Thou (Refrain) 598
Worthy, worthy, worthy 691
Would you be free from your burden 693
Would you taste of joy and gladness 695
Wounded for me 694
Years I spent in vanity and pride 696
Yes Jesus loves me (Refrain) 302
Yes we'll gather at the river (Refrain) 496
Yes, I'll sing the wondrous story (Refrain) 238
Yes, there's One (Refrain) 269
Yesterday, today, for ever (Chorus) 697
Yesterday, today, for ever (Refrain) 408
Yield not to temptation 699
You are coming mighty Saviour! 698
You are the One that we praise (Refrain) 689
You ask me why I'm happy 701
You have longed for sweet peace 702
You must be born again (Refrain) 4
You servants of God 700
You'll reap whatever you sow (Refrain) 510
Your name we love, Lord Jesus 703
Yours the glory and the crown (Refrain) 64